
V■=               P■203.94・g・Px・η    -11PXnV1=       P11n■P■■■■■P■■P■V1:Accumulator gas volume(L)W:Weight of fluid in the line(kg)v:Flow velocity(m/sec)g:Acceleration of gravity 9.8(m/sec2)d:Pipe bore(mm)L:Total pipe length(m)γ:Weight volume ratio of the fluid(kg/m3)Px:Regular circuit pressure(MPa∙abs)Pm :Maximum allowable shock pressure(MPa∙abs)* For gas charging pressure P1, at the maximum working temperature, a value of 60% of Px is recommended. (Adjust the gas charging pressure ratio up to 80% of Px in consideration of the temperature change.)* The maximum allowable pulsation pressure Pm is the maximum pressure that can be tolerated when an accumulator is used, rather than the pressure currently generated.* For polytropic exponent n, use a value that is found at the intersection of less than 15 seconds and Px in the polytropic exponent list.If you use the polytropic exponent formula, use the value of 8 seconds.* Please refer to the volume calculation sheet on page 120.* For gas charging pressure P1, at the maximum working temperature, a value of 60% of Px is recommended. (Adjust the gas charging pressure ratio up to 80% of Px in consideration of the temperature change.)* The maximum allowable shock pressure Pm is the maximum pressure that can be tolerated when an accumulator is used, rather than the pressure currently generated.* For polytropic exponent n, use a value that is found at the intersection of less than 15 seconds and Px in the polytropic exponent list.If you use the polytropic exponent formula, use the value of 8 seconds.* Please refer to the volume calculation sheet on page 121.V1:Accumulator gas volume (L)q:Oil discharge volume per pump revolution (L/rev)F1:Pump oil discharge coefficient (from the list)Px:Regular circuit pressure (MPa∙abs)Pm:Maximum allowable pulsation pressure (MPa∙abs)SimplexDuplexTriplex * For a pump larger than triplex, vane pump, or gear pump, use 0.06 for F.Pump TypePump Oil Discharge Coefficient F1Single ActionDouble ActionSingle ActionDouble ActionSingle ActionDouble Action0.60 0.25 0.25 0.15 0.13 0.06 231-3-2 Pulsation Dampening Calculation1-3-3 Shock Absorbing CalculationPump Oil Discharge Coefficient (F1) Listq・F1・PXPm1-W・v■・(n-1)・W=    ・L・γ・10-6π・d24

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